Sunday, February 26, 2006


I accomplished a lot this weekend. Yesterday, I got the wireless on our computer fixed, I sealed the granite countertop, I washed clothes and I planted some pansies in the front yard. I know it's a little late for the pansies but they should last until May and then we'll plant some begonias and impatiens. I also planned our menu for the 2nd Annual St. Patrick's Day brunch tht we're holding next Saturday. Today, I ran with my new running group, I organized my scrapbook/card making stuff, I polished the granite countertop, I re-organized the countertop and threw out a few things and now I'm cooking a beef brisket with Guinness, cabbage, carrots, potatoes and onions - in honor of St. Patrick's Day.

This past week, I made a lot of reservations for some upcoming trips. I've already mentioned that MTH and I are meeting MAK and PT in Vegas in early April. I'm also going to Macon in late April for my 10 year reunion at Wesleyan College (yep, I'm officially old). Then, in early June, I'm heading to Miami to meet up with EE and MAK. Hopefully, CLM can hop over and hang out with us. I'm definitely excited about that trip. We'll be staying at the South Beach Marriott because I had received a nice gift certificate from work for being part of a market research panel. Our cost will be less than $100 per person to stay there for 2 nights. Then, in early July, a friend is getting married in St. Thomas. I've reserved our hotel room but not the flight yet. That will be done soon though.

The thank you notes are not something that I can say are an accomplishment. I did at least write up in Word the wording for a good number of notes. I sent that document to MTH for his thoughts. He wrote back that he had some edits but didn't actually send those edits yet. Therefore, it looks like my updated resolution of finishing the notes by the end of February may not happen. When did I get so lazy!!!!


ETK said...

St. Thomas? How exciting! This weekend, husband and I worked on our plans to visit St. John in early May! :)

loud said...

Why are you having a St. Patrick's Day brunch two weekends before St. Patrick's Day?

MMH said...

ETK: I saw your post about the non-electricity vacation that you're planning. We'll definitely have electricity on ours!

QY: Well, when I'm home alone, I can either sit there and do nothing or get up and get some things done. When MTH is around, I'm definitely not as productive!

Loud: That's when Alexandria has their St. Patrick's Day parade for some reason. We'll have brunch at my house and then walk over to Old Town Alexandria to watch the parade and then hang out at one of the many Irish pubs and drink Guinness :)